

Returns details of transitions that do not have record inputs within a range of heights from Aleo blockchain.

Method Parameters

  • params - Object:

    • start - number: Start height of desired range (incuded).

    • end - number: End height of desired range (excuded).

    • page (optional) - number: Page number to get.

    • transitionsPerRequest (optional) - number: Maximum amount of transitions returned by the request.


  • result - Array<Object>: An array of transition objects without record inputs.

    • Transition object:

      • transition_id - string: The unique identifier of the transition.

      • transaction_id - string: The unique identifier of the transaction containing the transition.

      • program - string: The program code associated with the transition.

      • function_name - string: The name of the function executed in the transition.

      • height - string: The block height where the transition occurred.

      • tpk - string: The transition public key.

      • tcm - string: The transition commitment.

      • timestamp - string: The timestamp of the transition.



curl --location --request POST '' \
 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 --data-raw '{
     "jsonrpc": "2.0",
     "id": 1,
     "method": "transitionsWithoutRecordInputs",
     "params": {
        "start": 8065,
        "end": 8066,
        "page": 0,
        "transitionsPerRequest": 1


      "program":"program hello_hello.aleo;\n\nfunction hello:\n    input r0 as u32.public;\n    input r1 as u32.private;\n    add r0 r1 into r2;\n    output r2 as u32.private;\n",

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