

Returns details of specific blocks within a range of heights from Aleo blockchain.

1000 blocks can be queried at maximum in a single request.

Method Parameters

  • params - Object:

    • serialNumbers - Array<string>: An array of serial numbers field aleo objects as strings to retrieve information for.


  • result - Array<Object>: An array of objects containing details for each record corresponding to input serial numbers.

    • Record detail object:

      • serial_number - string: The serial number of the record.

      • program_id - string: The ID of the program that generated the record.

      • block_id - number: The height of the block containing the record.

      • height - string: The block height where the record was produced.

      • timestamp - string: The timestamp when the record was created.

      • transaction_id - string: The transaction ID that generated the record.

      • transition_id - string: The transition ID that generated the record.



curl --location --request POST '' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "method": "serialNumbers",
    "params": {
      "serialNumbers": [


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": [
      "serial_number": "5870700304294811149033096720219055499575762400180303520383718241817742543235field",
      "program_id": "credits.aleo",
      "block_id": 90995,
      "height": "90253",
      "timestamp": "1688526707",
      "transaction_id": "at1mzndh3uqf2sv73v4pws3meu8mwdnwwet434w8sjzwj2np9vhl5gquz30n4",
      "transition_id": "as13hec29slea6vy6kgjwpkavvdp0f8qjevc2s06kxg3v4e3ld0sqgsrrxnfu"

Last updated