
Retrieves ownership information for records within a given block range on the Aleo blockchain. This provides the minimal information needed to verify ownership of a record.

Method Parameters

  • params - Object:

    • start - number: Start block height of desired range (incuded).

    • end - number: End block height of desired range (excuded).

    • page (optional, default: 0) - number: Page number to get.

    • recordsPerRequest (optional, default: 10000) - number: Maximum amount of records returned by the request


  • result - Array<Object>: An array of record ownership details objects within the specified block range.

    • Ownership record object:

      • nonce_x - string: The x-coordinate of the nonce group element of the record.

      • nonce_y - string: The y-coordinate of the nonce of record.

      • owner_x - string: The x-coordinate of the multiplication of owner view key scalar and record nonce group element.

      • transition_id - string: The transition ID that generated the record.

      • output_index - number: The index of the output within the transition.



curl --location --request POST '' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "method": "records/isOwner",
    "params": {
      "start": 200000,
      "end": 200010,
      "page": 0,
      "recordsPerRequest": 1


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": [
      "nonce_x": "3918260195754394906908448854241869844389922307214581830273887322761200254253",
      "nonce_y": "7997215931412234159324234003801179947383733585077821788123487965593846252836",
      "owner_x": "1160900936987360956711220277753062897817177577088544272416308744862042451437",
      "transition_id": "as1525qhq69f3v4gwktcyahzsu9faee72eu7cqqexru9eq79k3p9q9q5pws3n",
      "output_index": 0

Last updated