

Returns transactions full details corresponding to a specific transaction ID.

Method Parameters

  • params - Object:

    • id - string: Transaction ID encoded as bech32 (prefix: at).


  • result - Object: An object containing the full details of the transaction.

    • status - string: The status of the transaction.

    • type - string: The type of the transaction.

    • index - number: The index of the transaction within the block.

    • transaction - Object: Details of the transaction.

      • type - string: The type of the transaction.

      • id - string: The transaction ID.

      • execution - Object: Execution details of the transaction.

        • transitions - Array<Object>: An array of transition objects.

          • id - string: The unique identifier of the transition.

          • program - string: The program code associated with the transition.

          • function - string: The name of the function executed in the transition.

          • inputs - Array<Object>: An array of input objects.

            • type - string: The type of the input.

            • id - string: The unique identifier of the input.

            • value - string: The value of the input.

          • outputs - Array<Object>: An array of output objects.

            • type - string: The type of the output.

            • id - string: The unique identifier of the output.

            • value - string: The value of the output.

          • tpk - string: The transition public key.

          • tcm - string: The transition commitment.

        • global_state_root - string: Global state root hash.

        • proof - string: Proof of the execution.

      • fee - Object: Fee details of the transaction.

        • transition - Object: Transition details of the fee.

          • id - string: The unique identifier of the fee transition.

          • program - string: The program code associated with the fee transition.

          • function - string: The name of the function executed in the fee transition.

          • inputs - Array<Object>: An array of input objects.

            • type - string: The type of the input.

            • id - string: The unique identifier of the input.

            • value - string: The value of the input.

          • outputs - Array<Object>: An array of output objects.

            • type - string: The type of the output.

            • id - string: The unique identifier of the output.

            • value - string: The value of the output.

          • tpk - string: The transition public key.

          • tcm - string: The transition commitment.

        • global_state_root - string: Global state root hash.

        • proof - string: Proof of the fee transition.

    • finalize - Array<Object>: An array of finalize objects.

      • type - string: The type of the finalize action.

      • mapping_id - string: The unique identifier of the mapping.

      • index - number: The index within the mapping.

      • key_id - string: The unique identifier of the key.

      • value_id - string: The unique identifier of the value.

    • finalizedAt - string: The timestamp when the transaction was finalized.



curl --location --request POST '' \
 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 --data-raw '{
     "jsonrpc": "2.0",
     "id": 1,
     "method": "aleoTransaction",
     "params": {



                "value":"{\n  program_id: credits.aleo,\n  function_name: transfer_public,\n  arguments: [\n    aleo1q6qstg8q8shwqf5m6q5fcenuwsdqsvp4hhsgfnx5chzjm3secyzqt9mxm8,\n    aleo1q6qstg8q8shwqf5m6q5fcenuwsdqsvp4hhsgfnx5chzjm3secyzqt9mxm8,\n    1u64\n  ]\n}"
              "value":"{\n  program_id: credits.aleo,\n  function_name: fee_public,\n  arguments: [\n    aleo1q6qstg8q8shwqf5m6q5fcenuwsdqsvp4hhsgfnx5chzjm3secyzqt9mxm8,\n    273388u64\n  ]\n}"

Last updated