

Returns the latest block details from Aleo blockchain.

Method Parameters

  • <empty>


  • result - Object: An object containing details of the latest block.

    • id - number: Unique identifier for the block.

    • height - string: The height of the block in the blockchain.

    • block_hash - string: The hash of the block.

    • previous_hash - string: The hash of the previous block.

    • previous_state_root - string: The root hash of the previous state.

    • transactions_root - string: The root hash of the transactions in the block.

    • round - string: The round number of the block.

    • coinbase_target - string: The target for coinbase.

    • proof_target - string: The proof target.

    • last_coinbase_target - string: The target for the last coinbase.

    • last_coinbase_timestamp - string: The timestamp of the last coinbase.

    • timestamp - string: The timestamp of the block.s

    • coinbase_reward - null | string: The reward for the coinbase.

    • finalize_root - string: The finalize root hash.

    • network - number: The network identifier.

    • ratifications_root - string: The root hash of ratifications.

    • solutions_root - string: The root hash of solutions.

    • subdag_root - string: The subdag root hash.

    • cumulative_weight - string: The cumulative weight of the block.

    • cumulative_proof_target - string: The cumulative proof target.



curl --location --request POST '' \
 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 --data-raw '{
     "jsonrpc": "2.0",
     "id": 1,
     "method": "latest/block"



Last updated